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Chronicle 1966

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    • 7 October


      After his visit to the United States, West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard says that a blueprint for lasting peace in Europe cannot be achieved on the basis of the existing situation.

      He says that this fact is agreed upon within the Western alliance: "The hope of arriving at a lasting peace in Europe by means of concessions, that is, sacrifices of the highest order, without a connection to the restoration of German unity is dangerous and deceptive." He adds that the reason why reunification has not been able to be brought about is not "a lack of effort, too little imagination or unused opportunities, but the attitude of the Soviet Union." less
    • 9 October


      As a reaction to the fatal shootings of the past days and weeks, the Western Allies step up their patrols at the Wall.
    • 19 October


      In an interview with Günter Gaus, the leader of the SPD parliamentary party, Herbert Wehner, brings up the idea of a German Economic Community and a German Alliance. He rejects any recognition of the GDR, considering this to be the final seal on the division of Germany; but he is of the opinion that any steps this side of recognition could be introduced to pave the way for inner German regulations.
    • 27 October


      In Bonn, the CDU/FDP governing coalition falls apart; the FDP rejects tax hikes to balance the 1967 federal budget; its four ministers in the Federal Cabinet resign. On 8 November, the Bundestag indirectly expresses no confidence in Chancellor Erhard; on 10 November, the CDU/CSU parliamentary party nominates Kurt Georg Kiesinger as candidate for the chancellorship.
  • December 
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