West German Chancellor Kiesinger delivers a government statement to the Bundestag on the German question. He proposes measures aimed at providing "easier living conditions in the whole of Germany."
17-22 April
The 7th SED party conference takes place in East Berlin, attended by the CPSU General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev. In a speech, Ulbricht says that all class differences have been abolished in the GDR, and proclaims the "socialist community" ("sozialistische Menschengemeinschaft"). With regard to economic policy, it is decided to shift from the "New Economic System of Planning and Management" (NÖSPL) to the "Economic System of Socialism" (ÖSS).
19 April
Former West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer dies aged 91 in Rhöndorf near Bonn.
24-26 April
A conference of the communist parties of Europe in Carlsbad, CSSR, proposes convoking a European security conference.