In a speech at the UN Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher calls for a global ban on chemical weapons.
11 February
Mehrfachberechtigungsschein für Einreisen von West-Berlinern in die DDR mit einer Gültigkeit von 48 Stunden, 11. Mai 1988
More than 100,000 people demonstrate in the capital of the Soviet Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius, for political reforms and the independence of their country. On 24 February, there is a demonstration by 3,000 people in the capital of the Soviet Republic of Estonia, Tallin, who rally in support of independence despite an official ban.
23 February
The SED Politburo decides to apply travel regulations more strictly again. Although only 3,009 travellers – 0.23 percent – used their trip to the West as an opportunity to escape in 1987, they are mostly highly qualified professionals.more
25 February
The Soviet Union starts removing nuclear medium-range missiles from the GDR.