As agreed with the Soviet Union, the USA begins removing the Pershing II missiles stationed in West Germany.
5 September
In SED leadership circles, there is increasing nervousness because of the more and more difficult economic situation of the GDR. Even Central Committee economics secretary Günter Mittag prophesies: "We are at a point where things can tip."
14 September
The two German states agree on numerous improvements in transit traffic; the West German government raises the lump sum transit fee for the years 1990 to 1999 from 525 million to 860 million DM per year.
15/16 September
West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl visits the Soviet Union. During a private conversation with party leader Mikhail Gorbachev, he stresses that he wants a new quality in relations with the Soviet Union. Gorbachev welcomes this intent and says that the time has come to work on building a common European house together.
24 September
Special stamp for the 35th anniversary of the GDR Combat Groups (Source: Private archive, Hans-Hermann Hertle)
The SED leadership takes the salute at a parade in East Berlin for the 35th anniversary of the GDR Combat Groups.
RIAS commentary on the 35th anniversary of the GDR Combat Groups, 24 September 1988 (in German) (Source: Archiv Deutschlandradio, Broadcast: Guten Morgen, Moderation/Reporter: Bert G. Schmittke, Ernst Steinke)
30 September
In an interview with the West German weekly newspaper "Die Zeit", GDR Defence Minister Heinz Kessler gives his views on the order to shoot and kill escapees:more