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Chronicle 1967

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    • 1 May


      A new version of the "Regulation 30/10", issued by the Ministry for National Defence to promote the "organisation and leadership of border security in the border company", enters into force. The paragraphs about using firearms are largely identical with those in the old regulation from 1964.

      The "use of firearms" is limited "to the temporary arrest of people who do not obey orders from border guards, i.e. who do not stop at the call of "Stop – border guard – hands up!’ or after a warning shot, but obviously try to break through the national border to the German Democratic Republic, and no other possibility of temporary arrest exists."

      The use of firearms is, the regulation states, the "utmost measure of force against people. It is only allowed when all other measures fail or when it is not possible to use other measures because of the situation." The regulation also says, however, that firearms may not be used when the threat of attack is no longer present Regulation 30/10 of the Ministry for National Defence on the "Organisation and leadership of border security in the border company", 1967 (in German) less
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